We came into foster care when our biological son was just a year old. I have known for a long time, I was supposed to adopt but I wasn’t sure what that was going to look like. After researching agencies and not being able to afford that, we went to an information meeting at our locate CPS office and I remember the social worker saying that if there are no homes, the kids sleep in the office. Well, I would have taken a kid home that day if I could have. About 4 months later we were licensed and that was October of 2015.
The first time I filled out one of these books a few months ago was for a 4 month old baby girl. She wasn’t old enough to read it but I hope that one day she will.
Currently, I have two filled out for an 8 year old and 4 year old. I haven’t given it to them yet because I need to add the pictures of them with us. I am positive they will love it because they love books, memories, and pictures!
The keepsake section is great because you can list their likes and favorite memories. We have photo albums of every kid but that doesn’t always include things they liked or what did we love about them. It really filled in the holes that normally wouldn’t get filled in, in my opinion.
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